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What Brand of Hot Water System is Most Reliable?

woman's hands under high hot water pressure faucet

Tired of lukewarm showers and sky-high energy costs? Look no further!

In this article, we’ll explore the top hot water system brands in Australia and help you find the perfect one for your household.

Whether you’re in the market for a gas, electric, solar, or heat pump system, we’ve got you covered. From cost and efficiency to warranties and installation, we’ll cover everything you need to know to make the right decision for your home.

Get ready to say goodbye to cold showers and say hello to hot water bliss.

Which hot water brands we looked at

We’ve conducted research and analysed the performance and reliability of various hot water system brands to help you make an informed decision. Our research led us to look at the following brands:

  • Rheem
  • Dux
  • Rinnai
  • Aquamax
  • Solahart
  • Bosch
  • Thermann

How we determine which hot water brands are most reliable

Choosing a reliable hot water system brand can be a challenge, but it’s crucial to ensure that your investment lasts and serves your household for years to come.

To determine which hot water brands are the most reliable, we researched and analysed various factors, from customer reviews and warranties to features and energy efficiency ratings.

Let’s take a look at our methodology in more detail to give you an idea of how we determined which brands are the most reliable.


Storage tank hot water systems

Customer reviews

By reading reviews from other customers who have purchased and used a particular brand, you can get an idea of the product’s reliability, performance, and quality.

Reviews can also provide insights into the customer service provided by the company, as well as any issues or problems that customers have encountered.

Online review resources such as Google, product review sites, and social media platforms can be helpful sources for customer reviews.

Product range

A brand that offers a wide range of products and options can cater to different household sizes, energy sources, and preferences.

Some brands offer storage tank systems, continuous flow systems, heat pump systems, and solar hot water systems, while others specialise in only one or two types of water heaters.

A diverse product range can indicate that the brand invests in research and development to provide innovative and efficient hot water solutions, while a brand that specialises in one type of hot water heater can show a dedication to being the best provider of that specific system.


A good warranty can provide peace of mind and protection against unexpected repair or replacement costs. Most hot water system brands offer warranties ranging from four to ten years, depending on the product and company.

It’s important to check the terms and conditions of the warranty, including what it covers and how to make a claim. Some brands offer extended warranties or additional coverage for an extra fee.

A longer and more comprehensive warranty can indicate a higher level of confidence in a product’s reliability and durability.

Energy efficiency rating

An energy-efficient system can save you money on your energy bills and reduce your household’s carbon footprint. In Australia, hot water systems are rated based on their energy efficiency using a star rating system.

The more stars that system has, the more energy efficient it is. It’s important to choose a hot water system with a high energy efficiency rating that suits your household’s needs and usage patterns.

Some brands specialise in energy-efficient hot water systems and offer innovative features and technologies to maximise energy savings.


Hot water systems vary in price depending on the energy source, type of system, and brand. It’s important to consider the upfront cost as well as the long-term running costs when making a decision.

Some brands offer entry-level models at a lower price point, while others offer premium models with advanced features and technologies.

It’s important to choose a hot water system that fits your budget while also providing the energy efficiency that you need. In addition, it’s worth considering any government rebates or incentives that may be available to help offset the cost.

Environmental impact

Hot water systems can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, water waste, and other environmental impacts. Brands that prioritise sustainability and eco-friendliness can offer hot water systems that minimise their impact on the environment.

For example, solar and heat pump systems use renewable energy sources and can significantly reduce carbon emissions compared to gas or electric systems.

Some brands also use recycled materials and offer end-of-life recycling programs for their products. It’s important to choose a hot water system brand that aligns with your environmental values and contributes to a more sustainable future.

Customer service

In case of any issues or concerns, good customer service can provide prompt and effective solutions. Some brands offer comprehensive customer service, including installation, maintenance, and repair services.

It’s worth checking the brand’s customer service reviews and availability, as well as the types of services they offer.

In addition, brands that prioritise customer service can provide helpful resources and guides on their websites and social media platforms to help customers troubleshoot and maintain their hot water systems.

Maintenance and repair services

Regular maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of your hot water system and prevent unexpected breakdowns or repairs.

Some brands offer maintenance and repair services either directly or through authorised service providers. It’s important to check the brand’s policies and fees for maintenance and repair services, as well as the availability and expertise of local service providers.

Additionally, brands that offer comprehensive maintenance and repair services can provide valuable support and expertise throughout the lifespan of your hot water system.

5 Most reliable hot water brands

Choosing a reliable hot water system brand is essential to ensure that you have a steady supply of hot water without unexpected breakdowns or repairs.

Based on customer reviews, warranty, product range, energy efficiency rating, and other factors, some hot water system brands have a reputation for being the most reliable in Australia.

Let’s discuss the top 5 most reliable hot water system companies in the country.

Rheem Logo


Rheem is one of the most popular and reliable hot water system brands in Australia. With a wide range of products and options, Rheem offers energy-efficient and innovative hot water solutions for households of all sizes and energy sources.

Rheem’s products also come with a comprehensive warranty and excellent customer service, making them a top choice for many Australian households. They even have a page on their website that gives you resources and testimonials proving their reliability.

Who it’s best for: Rheem’s hot water systems are best suited for households with medium-to-high hot water usage and people looking for energy-efficient and reliable hot water systems.

The brand offers a wide range of products and options that cater to various energy sources and household sizes. Their popular Stellar range offers premium 5-star energy-efficient hot water systems, so everyone in your house can save a lot of money when taking their morning shower.

Average price: The price range of Rheem’s hot water systems can vary depending on the type of system, size, and energy source. On average, their hot water systems can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,500, with additional fees for installation.

Rinnai Hot Water Systems


Rinnai is a reputable and reliable hot water system brand, offering a wide range of energy-efficient hot water solutions for households across Australia.

Rinnai’s products come with comprehensive warranties and advanced features and technologies. After over 50 years of providing Australian homes with top-quality hot water systems, this Japanese brand has made its way to the top of many hot water specialists’ lists.

Who it’s best for: Rinnai’s hot water systems are best suited for households with medium-to-high hot water usage and people looking for advanced features and energy-efficient hot water solutions.

Their systems are also known for withstanding tough conditions. Their Infinity water heating units, whether powered by electricity or natural gas/LPG, are fortified against heat loss, corrosion, and the Australian weather and climate.

Average price: The price range of Rinnai’s hot water systems can vary depending on the model, type of system, capacity, and energy source.

On average, their units can cost anywhere from $500 to $2,000 or more, not including installation costs.

Dux logo


Dux is a reliable and popular hot water system brand, offering a wide range of products and options to suit different household sizes and energy sources. They’re known for providing units with a steady and strong flow rate of hot water.

Duc’s products are designed for energy efficiency, durability, and ease of use, and come with a comprehensive warranty and excellent customer service.

Who it’s best for: Dux’s hot water systems are best suited for households with medium-to-high hot water usage and people looking for energy-efficient and durable hot water solutions.

Their top-of-the-line heat pump technology makes their units the perfect choice for Australians who want to experience the pros of eco-friendly appliances without the expensive cons of solar systems and their pricey panels.

Average price: The price range of Dux’s hot water systems varies depending on the type of unit, whether it’s a storage tank system or tankless, and the size and holding capacity.

On average, their hot water systems can cost anywhere between $500 to $2,000 or more, not including installation costs.

bosch logo


Bosch is a trusted and reliable hot water system brand, offering a range of energy-efficient and innovative hot water solutions for a variety of household sizes.

The brand is a great option for any household looking for a reliable water tank or continuous flow system, thanks to their long-lasting units that will work hard to keep the water flowing for years to come.

Who it’s best for: Bosch’s hot water systems are best suited for households with medium-to-high hot water usage and people looking for energy-efficient and durable hot water solutions.

Their continuous flow gas systems are known for efficiently heating water to the perfect temperature without the need for a power point. With a variety of capacity options available, Bosch has plenty of products waiting to become part of your home.

Average price: The price range of Bosch’s hot water systems can vary depending on the type of system, energy consumption, and holding capacity.

On average, their hot water heaters can cost anywhere from around $500 to $1,500, excluding installation costs.

Aquamax Hot Water Systems Logo


Aquamax is a reputable and reliable hot water system brand that offers a range of high-quality and energy-efficient hot water solutions for households across Australia.

This award-winning brand has focused on two product types in particular: electric storage system units and 5-star gas storage systems. What’s more, their parts, design, and manufacturing machinery are almost completely done in-house.

Who it’s best for: Bosch’s hot water systems are best suited for households with medium-to-high hot water usage and people looking for energy-efficient and durable hot water solutions.

Their stainless steel series is very popular, especially for fans of natural gas systems, due to their powerful pressure system technology.

Average price: The pricing of Aquamax’s hot water systems varies depending on the type of system, holding capacity, and features and technology included.

On average, their units can cost anywhere from $600 to $2,000, not including installation fees.

Choosing the right hot water system brand: final thoughts & next steps

Choosing the most reliable hot water system brand requires the consideration of various factors, including customer reviews, product range, warranty, energy efficiency rating, price, environmental impact, customer service, and maintenance and repair services.

The top brands — Rheem, Rinnai, Dux, Bosch, and Aquamax — offer high-quality and energy-efficient products with excellent warranties and customer service.

Still, it’s crucial to evaluate individual household needs and preferences to determine the best option. By considering these factors and obtaining quotes from multiple suppliers, you can select a hot water system brand that meets your specific requirements and budget, ensuring a reliable and efficient source of hot water for years to come.

Ready for your next hot water system?

If you’re looking for a new hot water system for your home, Same Day Hot Water Service is here to help. Our team of hot water experts can assist you with repairs, maintenance, purchases, and installations to ensure that your hot water system runs safely and efficiently.

If you have any questions or need advice, we’re here to help. Whether you’re looking for more information or you’re ready to purchase your next system, contact us today for a free quote.

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